Stellar Strife

With the advent of space travel, the universe expands for billions of lifeforms. However in the Andromeda galaxy, in spite of the vastness of space, some people seem to be drawn to each other over and over by the will of the cosmos.

Stellar Strife is an animated series following the missions and misadventures of several characters and factions, as they meet and bump heads throughout the galaxy.

*all images are placeholders. not all designs are final.

Space Scrappers

While interstellar travel no longer a new thing, accidents and tragedies are still as frequent as if it were still in its earlier stages. From massive ships to one-man space crafts, many vehicles are destroyed and left suspended in the middle of nowhere in space. In order to help clean up the galaxy, whether its for returning lost belongings, collecting spare parts, or simply to clean up the galaxy for smoother travel, the Space Scrappers were formed to take care of all needs related to drifting space ships.

Turo Argento

A space scrapper, whose job is to seek out abandoned spacecrafts and space stations in order to salvage parts, goods and materials. He also has a knack for plumbing and tinkering with machines. Always positive, Turo is always ready to help those that need it. In his downtime though, he might act a bit more mellow and cynical, especially if he's under the influence.

Turo is one of the few remaining survivors of a massive epidemic from his home planet which virtually turned everyone, including his family, into zombies. While the zombified planet is under containment, the Andromeda Universal Alliance is debating on whether or not to exterminate all former life on that planet. Meanwhile, Turo is on the fence of this issue. He is unsure whether he is dealing with the undead who should simply be wiped out before they can infect another planet, or a suffering populace that deserves a chance to be saved.

Zuben Bounty Hunting Agency

Got a criminal you can't catch? Need to protect some important persons? Throughout the galaxy, you can always turn to your local bounty hunters for help. There are plenty of reputable agencies out there that have taken on many high profile jobs. Some even working close with the police. As a result, those held in high regard won't take on any jobs that they deem 'small' or 'not worth their time.'

However, if you really are in a pinch, and maybe a bit hard on cash, you can always count on the "Zuben Bounty Hunter Agency." This group of eccentric bounty hunters advertise that they are willing to take on any job no matter how big or small. They'll take anything as minor as clearing out a farm of dangerous pests or delivering a package from one planet to another under the radar. You could say that they're more like odd-jobbers as opposed to real bounty hunters. But they still take down bad guys from time to time. What else would they use those weapons for?

They say this business attracts a lot of weirdos and headcases. Well, this group might just be one of the nuttiest in the galaxy. Despite how weird they might seem, they are always reliable (for the most part).


Real Name: Ryan Hamza

Leader of the Zuben Bounty Hunting Agency. Vault is a jack of all trades who handles ship maintenance, taxes, negotiations, and promotion. He is also capable of the most destruction out of the crew thanks to his unique enhancements. While diligent and disciplined from his military days, after completing his tenure, he now enjoys a more laid-back life where he can be as rambunctious as he wants.


Real Name: Cyrus Castella

The medic of the Zuben Bounty Hunting Agency. Pragmatic and reserved. Lace used to work at one of the largest pharmaceutical companies of the galaxy. However, he left the comforts of the lab after digging up some forbidden knowledge. While his attitude might contrast with the rest of the crew, his narcotic making skills and medical knowledge make him an essential member of the team, and he wears that title with pride and love for his companions.


Real Name: Brady Bauman

The sniper and scout of the Zuben Bounty Hunting Agency. Sassy and flamboyant, and a lover of theatrics, he is arguably the most eccentric of the crew. However, despite his flashiness, he is a very capable fighter. So light on his feet, you can't hear him approach from behind you. Despite his inflated ego, his shadowy past led to him craving companionship.


Real Name: Vonny Suwan

The programmer of the Zuben Bounty Hunting Agency. Once a top computer engineers at his old company, Mortar was fired for the leakage and mishandling of information, which he claimed wasn't his fault. Disgraced, he chose to isolate himself, drowning himself in VR games and doujins, before joining the crew. Despite his many complaints and reprimands, he'll still fight for his team and tries to better himself (while still engaging in his vices

Those Intertwined by the will of the cosmos

Codenames are common across several fields. People refer to each other by these names as commonly as given names. They could also be thought of as “Real Life Usernames”


Real name: Noah Zircon

A new hero enlisted into the Crowne Hero Agency, Siege is the new bright-eyed wonder-boy of the hero world. While he is currently a sidekick, he doesn’t seem to care about titles, fame or working under a superior. Energetic and loyal to a fault, Siege is a (mostly) pure heart who cares about justice for others. His powers allow him to create forcefields, which he mainly uses to protect others and himself, but they can also be used as traps and platforms.


Real Name: Heath Bauman

A pro hero who isn’t the most popular, but is well beloved among certain circles. As a veteran of his field, Brachi may come off as a bit lackadaisical when talking to him personally. In reality, he’s strictly saving his energy for his hero work, which he is very passionate about. His powers allow him to project fist-shaped energy blast, which he can teleport to on impact.


Real Name: Kamila Safar

An up and coming cadet of the Andromeda Elemental Forces. She's an act first, questions later kind of person who can be a bit in over her head. After saving her hometown from an alien attack, she was admitted into a city police academy, earning high marks but mainly for physical tests. She wants to catch as many bad guys as possible and hopes to one day become a hero. She loves her job but, she's not very fond of all the paperwork that comes with it.

Shingen Kasato

The current head of the House Kasato, one of the 12 Great Houses which govern the planet. Although he often present with a cold and ruthless gaze, he is deeply caring for the people and is sure to make decisions that benefit them. The bastard child of the former head and a concubine, Shingen had to battle on his own in order to climb his way to leadership. With no one there to boost him at the beginning of his climb, he reclaimed the name “Kasato” for himself.


Real Name: Enrique Fontes

An archiver of knowledge and high-ranking member of the All-Seeing Eye Private Info-Broking Agency. Proxy is a stoic, no-nonsense type, with a bit of an ego, who takes his job very seriously. While he will divulge most info for the right price, he also believes that 'people don't need to know everything' and that it the best to keep some things in the dark. He sulks when working with a certain group of bounty hunters, but won't admit his enjoyment when working with 'the worst of the bunch.'


Real Name: Dashi Mochizuki

A mysterious criminal who travels to different planets, ransacking secret pharmaceutical laboratories. Brash and rude, he has a habit of breaking into rap before entering any altercation. Born and raised as a test subject, Dash works under an unknown contractor as a tool of destruction. He envelops himself in a large slime body, isolating himself behind his violent persona.

Laurent Rainier

A famous rock star and lead singer of Blood Moon Rising. Waltz is one half wild and menacing, one half suave and dandy. Waltz possesses monstrous traits, which lead to rumors about him being an actual vampire. While there is no proof of him draining others of their blood, he does possess above average strength and a voice that sounds almost hypnotic.